Herbst Appliance
This appliance allows full range of motion of jaw moving side to side and also open the mouth. It is effective for patients with TMJ pain, grinding, and snoring. This is one device that is approved for Medicare patients.

EMA Appliance
This appliance keeps the mouth and throat open during sleep, allowing for easy breathing. The adjustable and exchangeable sizes of the elastic tension straps allows for customization.

This device is small and comfortable and oral appliance is designed to give you the most amount of room for the tongue. The device is small and helps hold jaw slightly forward to keep airway open. You will be able to open and close your mouth.

Dorsal Fin Appliance
Popular choice for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. The two-piece construction allows for maximum patient comfort and lateral jaw movement.

Nylon Appliance
With a relatively small size, it fits easily into the mouth and is perfect for those who might have a sensitive gag reflex.