Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

Ask yourself these simple questions to determine if Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) could be holding you back from the healthy and energetic life you deserve.

Are you sleeping well?
Loud snoring?
Are you always tired?
Do you have high blood pressure or diabetes?
Difficulty concentrating?
Do you have frequent morning headaches?
Irritability or moodiness?
Poor memory?
Frequent nighttime trips to the bathroom?

If you answered yes to any of these, you could have OSA. Approximately half of all people who snore loudly have sleep apnea. According to the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, that’s up to 18 million Americans. Are you one of them? If you are in the Lowcountry, please give us a call to discuss. 

OSA is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when the tongue and soft palate collapse onto the back of the throat, stopping airflow. The oxygen level drops and the brain moves out of deep sleep. The person partially awakens and begins breathing again, often with a loud gasp. This process is repeated over and over throughout the night with each apnea lasting from 10 seconds to 3 minutes.

OSA sufferers stop breathing and can be deprived of oxygen hundreds of times a night. Not only does OSA prevent the sufferer from achieving deep, restful sleep, it can put a tremendous strain on the heart and the body, greatly reducing the lifespan of the sufferer. This is a serious medical condition requiring diagnosis by a physician, but you can be on your way to a better night’s sleep just by scheduling an appointment to learn about dental sleep apnea treatment.

In Charleston, we can successfully treat OSA with a small, comfortable, custom-fit mouthpiece. Similar to a retainer, the oral appliance sleep apnea device gently repositions the lower jaw, preventing the airway from becoming obstructed. This life-changing solution can help you sleep through the night so you wake up rested and refreshed every day.

If you think you or someone you love has OSA, don’t suffer needlessly. We can help. We offer OSA Therapy in our Mt Pleasant office. Call now to schedule an appointment for a free consultation and be on your way to the best rest of your life!

**Sleep apnea can only be diagnosed by a medical doctor. Dr. Dahlkemper performs a pre-screening, and she works closely with reputable sleep centers and doctors throughout the Charleston area for a full diagnosis.
